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September 26, 2024

Drink and Drive Fine in Dubai

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious crime, and the repercussions in Dubai are particularly severe. Even the smallest trace of alcohol can lead to serious penalties. The Drink and Drive in Dubai reflects the city’s zero-tolerance policy towards impaired driving.

Not only are hefty fines imposed, but offenders may also face imprisonment and deportation. These regulations aim to protect both residents and visitors by ensuring safer roads and reducing the risk of accidents caused by impaired driving.

This blog post will delve into the specifics of fines, punishments, and the potential harm associated with drunk driving in this vibrant city.


Overview: Dubai Laws for Drink and Drive

Dubai enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy for drinking and driving, with a Legal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit of 0.00%. This means any level of alcohol in a driver is prohibited. Drivers found with any level of alcohol face severe penalties, including:

  • License Suspended for One Year
  • Driver Imprisonment
  • Fines
  • Vehicle Impoundment

In cases of accidents, the punishments can escalate, especially if injuries or fatalities occur. These stringent laws are designed to enhance road safety and protect the public from the dangers of impaired driving.


Drink and Drive: Fines and Punishments in Dubai

A person holding a beer bottle while driving, with a message that reads, Penalty for drink driving in UAE.

In Dubai, the penalties for drinking and driving are stringent, underscoring the city’s commitment to road safety. Offenders face substantial fines based on their blood alcohol content (BAC) levels:

BAC Level Fine
Less than 0.05% A fine as much as AED 20,000
0.05% – 0.07% A fine as much as AED 30,000 and up to 6 months in jail
More than 0.07% A fine as much as AED 50,000 and up to 3 years in jail
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Additionally, individuals caught driving under the influence of alcohol may have their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked, incur 23 black points on their record, and have their vehicles impounded for up to 60 days. If the incident results in an accident, the penalties become even more severe, potentially leading to long-term imprisonment, higher fines, and significant compensation claims to victims, as determined by the court.


What Expats Risk When Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol?

Expats in Dubai face severe repercussions when caught driving under the influence of alcohol.

  • Large fines and possible jail time
  • Risk of being deported and banned from returning to the country
  • Loss of job and residency status
  • Termination of employment and loss of sponsorship

These risks extend beyond legal penalties, affecting the individual’s career and personal life significantly. Understanding these stakes is crucial for expatriates to avoid making decisions that could irreversibly alter their lives in Dubai.

Important Note: Expatriates who wish to drive in Dubai must first have their driving license translated into Emirati Arabic. For those without a translation, our Legal Translation Company in Dubai provides accurate translations of driving licenses into Arabic.


The Process of Arrest and Legal Proceedings

Here are some points:

1.     Initial Stop

Law enforcement officers stop a driver suspected of being under the influence.

2.     Breathalyzer Test

A positive breathalyzer test or evidence of impairment leads to the driver’s arrest.

3.     Processing at the Police Station

The arrested individual is taken to a police station for further processing.

4.     Additional Testing

The individual may undergo further testing to confirm impairment.

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5.     Referral to Public Prosecution

If charged, the case is referred to the public prosecution.

6.     Court Hearing

A court hearing follows, allowing the accused to present their defence.

7.     Penalties

Depending on the offence’s severity and prior records, penalties may include:

  • Fines
  • Imprisonment
  • Suspension of Driving Privileges

This rigorous process underscores the UAE’s commitment to road safety and maintaining public order.

Reference: UAE Federal Law No. 21 of 1995 on Traffic, amended by Federal Law No. 12 of 2007


Impact of Drink and Drive on Society

The impact of drunk driving on society is profound and multifaceted, extending beyond the immediate consequences of accidents and injuries.

  1. It creates a pervasive culture of recklessness, eroding public trust in safety measures and law enforcement.
  2. Families often suffer devastating losses, with emotional trauma lasting long after physical injuries heal.
  3. Economically, communities bear the burden of increased healthcare costs, legal proceedings, and damages resulting from accidents.
  4. Furthermore, drunk driving incidents can lead to stricter regulations, impacting responsible alcohol consumption and hospitality businesses.

Overall, the societal ramifications underscore the urgent need for collective awareness and preventive action against drunk driving.


Don’t Drink and Drive

Drinking and driving is dangerous, illegal, and may cost you a lot of money. Furthermore, it can result in serious consequences such as jail time, deportation for expats, loss of professional license, and high fines. We’re here to assist you in understanding the implications of drinking and driving so you don’t have to go through it yourself.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Here are some common questions people have about drinking and driving:

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1.     What Happens If Drink and Drive in Dubai?

If a driver is detected driving (or attempting to drive) while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or similar substances, he may be imprisoned and fined a minimum of AED 20,000.

2.     What is the Drink and Drive Limit in the UAE?

Unlike other countries, the UAE has no legal blood-alcohol limit, therefore the only allowable amount of alcohol in the body is zero. Offenders can be held in jail for up to 48 hours, and the driver will be forced to provide blood and urine tests to determine the presence of any intoxicants.

3.     What Should I do if I am Wrongfully Accused of DUI?

If you believe you have been wrongfully accused, it is crucial to gather evidence, seek legal representation, and follow the legal process to defend your case.

4.     Can I Leave Dubai if I have a fine?

You should be aware that if you have overstayed, you may be denied permission to leave the UAE until you have paid your penalties and resolved any visa difficulties. Immigration officials at the airport frequently look for any outstanding debts.

5.     Are there any Awareness Campaigns About the Dangers of Drunk Driving in Dubai?

Yes, the government runs campaigns to educate the public about the risks and consequences of drunk driving.