Time is money, and you cannot waste it standing in lines at various government departments, waiting for your turn, while your business suffers as a result of your absence. You may easily spend it in a better location and on more productive work by hiring the top pro services business in Dubai to complete the project on time.
We are here to relieve all of your tension, from approvals to visa collection, application submission to signatures and stamps.
At Prime Legal Translation Service, we have a panel of Experts who are well-versed in numerous government rules and legal procedures to give expert pro services in Dubai for getting a license and forming a new business in the City’s Mainland and several Free Zones.

Why Choose Us for Professional Services in Dubai?
An expert is required to help you through the difficult predetermined processes of company registration in UAE, visa clearances, and other government-related activities in order to properly handle and deliver the requirements and tricky cycle of procedures. There are several steps of difficult paperwork that can take a long time to figure out. Prime Legal Translation Service assists clients from start to finish with a full range of high-quality document clearance and PRO services in Dubai. We collaborate closely with Dubai’s top officials and departments.
Depending on the interests and objectives of the clients, we research and analyze the best sort of place for establishing a new business or forming a license while adhering to all legal procedures. With our local partner by our side, leading us through numerous steps for obtaining approval from various ministries, things appear to be quite convenient for Clients to concentrate on their business while we provide stress-free finest pro services in Dubai.
We also provide our services to corporations and individuals, based on their needs. With our extensive expertise and experienced team, we provide rapid and efficient visa processing services for employment, partner visas, family dependent visas, and so on.
Business Setup in Mainland
DED (Dubai Economic Department) has separated every business activity into three types: Commercial License all activities related to trading are included in this category, and is referred to as LLC creation
Professional License : All actions related to Services Professional License, Profession, artisans, and craftsmen are covered by this section.
Industrial License – All manufacturing related activities are covered by this area.
The above licenses are issued by the Dubai Economic Department. Certain activities require approval from specific agencies and other government officials. Here’s a listing of the activities that require approval from other ministers:
- Restaurant Licenses is a part of Dubai Municipality
- Rent a Car License fall under RTA (Road and Transport Authority)
- Advertising, Publishing and Printing are all covered by the National Media Council
- The banking service as well as Financial Institutions fall under Central Bank of UAE
- License for Insurance falls under the Insurance Authority. License are part of Insurance Authority
- Manufacturing and Manufacturing License are under the Ministry of Economy
- Pharmaceutical Licenses fall under Ministry of Health
- Contracting License is a part of Dubai Municipality
- Logistic Packaging of Cargo, Cargo Clearing License fall under Dubai Maritime City Authority
- The Travel and Tourism License is part of Dubai Economy and Tourism
- Sports Activity License fall under Dubai Sports Council
- The licenses for jewelry and precious metals are covered under the Security Industry and Regulatory Authority
Every commercial and industrial license in Dubai requires registration under the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Certain licenses require Bank Guarantees and other charges that must be paid by the Third party
Tourism License
Inbound Tourism Approval Cost for the application form Dubai Economy and Tourism.
Tourism Outbound outbound tourism Bank Guarantee of Dh200,000 to be deposited at Bank
After the license has been canceled, your deposit is returned
Travel Agency – An amount of Dh100,000.00 to be deposited with the Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing. If the license is revoked, this deposit can be reimbursed.
Building Contracting Companies
Building Contracting Company License needs to pay an additional amount of Dh10,000 to the Department of Economic Development as a one-time cost.
General Trading
General Trading License needs to pay an additional amount of Dh15,000 at the Department of Economic Development as an all-in-one cost.
Customs Broker
Approval Costs is available from Dubai Custom Authority
RTA Activities
Following fees have to be paid directly to RTA at the time of Initial Approval.
To Rent a Car cost of the activity Dh 3000
Fee for Bus Rental Dh 1000
Passenger Transport for passengers by renting Buses with an activity fee of Dh 1000
Telecommunications Equipment Trading
A one-time charge in the amount of Dh5500 payable to Telecommunications Regulator Authority (TRA).
Security Service & Surveillance Services activity
Security Industry Regulatory Authority
Oilfield & Natural Gas related activities
This is a procedure that requires the approval of Ruler’s Court
Money Exchange
This transaction requires approval from Central Bank of UAE and Department of Protective Systems
Jewellery & Precious Metal, SIM Card Trading, Stamp & Seal Making
This activity requires the approval of
Supermarkets must meet this requirement
An area of at least 2000 sq. feet is the minimum requirement to obtain the approval from DED.
To obtain any other license, an Ejari with a size of 200 square feet will be needed to complete this License,
We are also able to help with the creation of a Virtual Ejari in order to receive the permit.
Partners Requirement
in LLC (Limited Liability Company) As as per the new regulations promulgated in the new rules, the company is owned 100% by an the property of a Foreign Expat and no need for a local Emirati to be a 51 percent partner, allowing you to control the company completely in the name of your choice.
Under the Professional License 100% ownership is expatable with DED License. Additionally, the Local Emirati is only required to act as an agent to process visas. However, there are certain other activities that fall under the profession that you could establish 100% in an LLC company , subject to approval. You may get in touch with our team for further details.
100 Ownership of 100 percent by an Expat without a local Sponsorship is possible with the following:
- In Any Free Zone Expat can be 100% Owner
- Commercial LLC Company in Dubai Mainland.
- Professional Activities Company.
- Company is owned by GCC National
- Filiale of a foreign company
- Representative Office of Foreign Company
Types of Legal Structure in Mainland
In Dubai all business organizations fall under the categories of professional, commercial and sole establishments and those that are registered in DED (Dubai Economic Department) are referred to by the name of Dubai Mainland License. All the Emirates, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Ras AL Khaimah, Umm AL Quwain & Alain use the same method. In the case of all Mainland Commercial License 100% ownership is now owned by Expats and there is no requirement for local Emirati as a Partner or a local service agent for Professional License.
Limited Liability Company(LLC)
It is important to note that Dubai Mainland LLC formation falls under the Commercial category and may be established by involving a minimum two shareholders or up to 50 shareholders as per the license. The liability of shareholders is only limited to the shares they have that are invested in the company. In this license, 100 percent ownership is now owned by Expat and no longer requires Local Emirati to be a Partner no longer.
There are no minimum capital requirements for forming the company. As of August 2009, the Minimum capital requirement laws were repealed. Under this license, the Partners can choose to designate an administrator to manage the business between them or to an outside partner. The minimum percentage required for obtaining an LLC Partner Visa in LLC is 24 percent as per the license.
To create an LLC license, we here at Prime Legal Translation Service assist in the process of forming a company in Dubai by following the following steps:
The initial step according to this new method is creating the DED Profile for each Partner via the DED Portal and for that email ID and mobile number is required to process OTP as well as a photograph of the Partner who is holding a passport to verify KYC Purpose.
Trade Name Reservation
The initial procedure to register a DED License within DED is to choose the name, and it has to be accepted by DED.
Initial Approval
After completing your Trade names reservation process, we will need to obtain the initial approval of the business from DED.
Drafting of MOA & Legalisation
After receiving the Initial approval After receiving Initial approval, the MOA must be written in English and Arabic and then get it notarized by the Dubai court.
The Tenancy contract requires the tenant to send the documents to DED to be approved by the DED. A minimum space of 200 sq. ft. of space is required.
Commercial License
When you submit all of the above documents , the business is registered in the Commercial Register. The license is then given by DED.
Branches and Representative Offices of Foreign Commercial Companies
Foreign companies that are looking to establish a branch or Reprographic office Dubai are subject to the Commercial Companies law to do the forming in Dubai and the other Emirates. The companies may be 100 of the ownership of the foreign company with the appointment of a local Service Agent. If they operate as an occupation that is professional, or commercial, there is no need for local service agents.
Local service agents refers to UAE nationals or a business that is owned 100% by UAE nationals. Local service agents are also known as the license’s sponsor and are not part of the day-to-day operations however, they assist the businesses to obtain Establishment Card, Company Labour Card and so on. They are being paid in an unpaid lump sum of remuneration, or a portion of profits or turnover according to the agreement signed. This Branch of a Foreign company is not permitted to carry out any importation activities, other than re-exporting.
To set up an Branch of a Foreign Companies or representative office license, we can at Prime Legal Translation Service assist in establishing the license in Dubai using the following steps:
Initial Approval
The first first step is to receive the approval of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce by submitting the Local Service Agreement that is signed by the approval of a Local Emirati or a company that is 100% Local Emirati.
DED Approval
This application is sent to the DED to obtain the initial approval.
Federal Foreign Companies Committee
The information in the application will be sent on to committee members of the Federal Foreign Companies committee for their approval.
Ministry of Economy
The Ministry of Economy will then issue the Certificate for carrying the task that is mentioned in the request.
Commercial License
Along with the copy of the Certificate issued by MOE (Ministry of Economy) make the final form to DED to be registered on the Commercial Register.
Dubai Chamber of Commerce
The Branch license must be registered with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.
Professional License
Prime Legal Translation Service can assist Investors or clients who wish to obtain the Professional License in Dubai. The activity that is related to any profession falls within this category. The foreign expat may be the sole owner of the License and the legal entity of the License may be a Sole Proprietorship or a Civil company or the limited Liability Company . Under this license , the Local Emirati is designated as an Local Service Agent, but the agent isn’t directly involved in the company and in exchange for his service, he’s paid a lump-sum annual fee. The local service agent aids businesses in getting Establishment card or Company Labour card Visas, and other. Prime Legal Translation Service Prime Legal Translation Service can help clients find good local service agents at a reasonable cost.
Joint Venture Companies
The Joint Venture company is bound to a contract with two or more parties , such as a foreign company or Local Entity establishing a license to carry out a specific business. The local party must be the majority of the shareholders in the License but the profits and loss may be divided in accordance with an agreement signed between two of the parties. This type of structure is suitable for companies that are involved in an individual project.
Public and Private Shareholding Companies
Companies that wish to begin a business comprising banking, insurance or financial services must operate as public shareholding companies according to the law. Companies that wish to open branch licenses in this area of financial services can set up a Branch of a foreign corporation or an office representative.
The amount of capital needed for a Public Shareholding company for a big project is Dh. 10 million. The capital required for private shareholding companies is Dh 2 million. According to the law, the Chairman and majority of directors on the Board must be UAE local nationals.
GCC Nationals
The UAE offers the possibility for GCC to start an enterprise in Dubai without the involvement of local Emiratis in a sole proprietorship. To establish a Partnership with Expats and not local Emirati the amount of investment required for a specific project must be at least Dh. 10 million. The project must also have an understanding of business. The businesses that fall within these groups are services, tourism Industrial activities, and any other type of business that can add benefits for the UAE economy.

Meydan Free Zone Company Formation
Meydan Free Zone is situated in the middle of Dubai and is located near downtown Dubai. It is among the free zones offering the most cost-effective business set-up solution in Dubai. Meydan Free Zone encourages an abundance of investors from around the world to establish businesses in the Meydan Free Zone which gives full benefits of the free zone including 100 100% ownership, no taxes, no restrictions on currency and the potential for hiring foreign workers as well as high-speed internet connectivity, with no duties tax on export and import. Meydan Free Zone offers only flexi desks. Meydan Free Zone is the only one that offers a one option for flexi desks that is extremely convenient for those who don’t require a permanent office to run their business.
Meydan Stadium, on which Meydan Free Zone is based, is a great example of the strategic thinking that is the work of the Dubai government. It is intended to link the entire world to Meydan, the Emirate of Dubai by way of hosting international races for horses. Additionally, the Meydan project is not just Meydan Stadium, or Meydan Free Zone, but it also encompasses a variety of sporting, commercial hotels, entertainment and recreational facilities, as well as an array of modern businesses parks, hospitals and schools, villa communities for residents Business towers, high-end waterfront developments as well as shopping spots.
Benefits of Meydan FZ
- 100% ownership of the business for sole shareholders and expats
- Ability to work from the adjustable desk
- The best location for business in Dubai
- A safe and controlled environment
- Guaranteed 50-year tax break on corporate and personal taxes
- Complete capital repatriation
- FZE as well as FZ LLC operating licenses
- Advanced support services
- No restriction on the currency
- Easy Bank Account Setup
License Types available from Meydan Freezone, a company
Meydan Freezone offers different types of services that are classified into consulting, commercial, or media licenses.
* Consulting license allows you the practice of consulting like Consulting, Management, Consulting, Business, Human resources consulting and other professional services.
* Commercial license permits import and export, trading, and distribution of various kinds of goods. As currently Meydan Freezone does not offer storage space for warehouses.
* Media license covers any media of all kinds including advertising, communication and other services.
Meydan Free Zone offers an excellent choice for small-scale start-ups or freelancers because it provides very affordable licensing options. It could also be the ideal option for those who want to start an enterprise near Dubai downtown.
What do we have to offer Meydan Free Zone company formation
- The issuance of the required license
- Permitting legal entities
- Shareholder structure and procedure
- Guidelines for the selection of your company’s name since there are various restrictions within the Meydan, the free zone of Dubai.
- Shares structure
- Auditing process
- Acquiring facilities
- Capital investment
- Organizational structure
- Visa matters
- State rules and regulations within the Meydan freezone
- Driving licenses and other related services.
All of these services are available with a competitive cost. All you have to do is reach out to us with your suggestions. The rest will be worked out by our professional team of business advisors with years of experience working with these types of business-related services.
Characteristics of Meydan Free Zone Company
Characteristics | Description |
Type of licenses granted | Consultancy License Media License Commercial License, Consultancy License |
Legal entities allowed | only establishment, limited liability company, or branches of foreign companies are all permitted to be used for Meydan freezone companies |
Directors of all kinds | The director’s role is limited to one individual in meydan free zones company. No corporate directors allowed. |
Shares | The bearer share is not permitted. All shares must be paid at the time of allocation. No shares of different classes are allowed in the Meydan free zone companies. |
Shareholders | A Shareholder of one minimum is required for one Meydan company, with a maximum of seven. The minimum requirement is one director. mandatory. You may be a shareholder or partner in several companies. |
Audit | It is the Meydan free zone corporation will designate an auditor and prepare annual financial statements as required by the authorities. |
Share capital | Share capital is the minimum needed for an entirely new company and subsidiary is AED 100,000 per business. Branch offices do not have to meet the requirements for additional capital for shares. |
Manager | All Meydan free zone enterprises must be managed by a person who is also under the visa of the company. The manager must be a person of natural birth and his name must be listed on the license. |
Presence | The shareholder must be physically present at the Free Zone, either directly or by an attorney in the Free Zone. |
Name restrictions | Meydan Free Zone company name must begin with “LLC-FZ” as the case could be. Names of locations and religious phrases are not allowed. |
Visa eligibility | Meydan Free Zone Company is eligible for two visas. No Investor Visa Category Available |
Governing law | Businesses are subject to UAE law in general , and for certain specific duties, the laws that is the law of Emirates in Dubai. |
Facilities provided | Meydan freezone company can only work through Flexi-desk |
Other services | Driving Licenses and other permits require a permit by Dubai Government Departments. |
Documents needed for Meydan free zone setup of a company
Individual Shareholder
- The application forms must be executed by the signed signatory.
- 3 Year Business Plan
- Passport and visa copy of shareholders/directors/manager
- CV of the shareholder (s) director (s) manager
Note: Original bank reference letters, or 6-month Bank statement (stamped)
Corporate Shareholder
- Forms for applications that have been completed by the signatory authorized.
- Audited Financial Report
- Company brochure/profile
- 3 Year Business Plan
- A letter from the shareholding company to appoint a Manager.

A Board Resolution is in place calling for formation of the Meydan Free Zone company, attachment of Specimen Signature, Passport copy and Authorization of Attorney for Directors, Managers and Secretary.
* Certificate of Registration (or) Certificate of Incorporation (or) Certificate of Good Standing of the Mother Company, Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Parent Company. (Attested)
Documents Required For Establishing A Branch Company
- Copy of Passport
- Photo size Passport (digital)
- Copy of Residence visa (if required)
- Emirates Identification copy (if appropriate)
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Certificate of Incumbency, or an equivalent (issued within the three months preceding the date of issue)
- Memorandum of Association
- Board Resolution
Cost of Meydan Free Zone Company Formation
- License with no visa AED 12,500
- License with visa
One Visa – AED 14,350 TwoVisa – AED 16,200
- Immigration Fees –
New Visa Card (valid for one year) AED 22,000
Employer / Partner / Investor Visa (valid for 3 years) AED 3,500
Medical & Emirates ID VIP Assistance – AED 2,250
Change of Status – AED 1,500
- Other Service Fees –
Additional Business Activity – AED 1,000
Company Stamp – AED 200
Activity List
- Advertising
- Education & Training
- Financial
- Holding
- Human Resources
- Infrastructure
- Legal
- Logistics
- Management
- Medical
- Publishing and Media
- Real Estate
- Repairs
- Rental
- Research
- Retail
- Travel and Tourism
- Trading
- Technical
- Telecommunication
- Recreation and Events

Reliable Employment Visa Services in Dubai
Question: Which is the entitlement to annual leaves for the employee?
The employee is entitled to an annual holiday leave each year of service. The amount of leave is calculated according to the following formula:
- In the event that the employee completed his work for longer than six months, and under one-year, then Two days of vacation per month of service provided.2. The employee is entitled to 30 days of annual leave after successful completion of one year of work within the company. If an employee has completed more than one year of service and would like to take a leave of 15 months, the employee will be entitled to 30 days of previous year’s leave, and a portion of the time off in that year.
What factors should be taken into consideration when calculating annual leave carried out by an employee?
An employee can use his base wage and accommodation allowance in an annual leave calculus. Any other allowances that are paid during the working month should be considered when calculating the annual leave payment.
Right of Employer and Employee during Leave.
The employer is entitled to decide on annual leave at the end of the year, and when necessary, he can choose to split the time in two portions based on the specifics of work.
The employee is not obliged to be on leave more than two times during the 2 consecutive years of service offered. If required, the Employer can extend the annual leave during two consecutive years, in the event that the employee receives the wages for annual leave. The employee is entitled to receive his complete wage prior to taking the annual leave, in addition to the wages earned during the days of leave he’s accrued.
The calculation for the annual leave due at the time of termination or resignation.
If an employee is terminated or has resigned from their position, the calculation of annual leave is calculated starting from the date of joining up to the date of the resignation or termination. If the time period is longer than six months, or less than a full year then the employee has the right to receive:
Two days of vacation every month beginning from when you join.
If it’s more than a calendar year, then thirty days annual vacation are taken into consideration
If the employee has completed 15 months, then the leave duration is 30 days plus two days of each month beginning at the end of one calendar year.
According to Article 79 – An employee is entitled to cash in lieu of annual leave that he has not used, when he is dismissed or if he quits the company, following the notice period stipulated by the law. The cash in lieu of leave is determined on the basis of the salary received by the employee when he reached the expiration of the leave.
That is the person who is employed is entitled compensation for the period of annual leave that is not taken when the employment ends by resignation or end of employment. The amount of the payment is calculated on the basis of the basic wage paid at the time that the holiday was scheduled to begin.
Accrued leave pay is calculated on basic pay. It does not include housing, transportation as well as other allowances.
In accordance with Article (80)– Annual leave pay shall be payable to an employee prior to taking annual leave. The employee is paid the full amount, in addition to the pay for the days of leave he is entitled to in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Golden Visa
- A letter of reference from the General Authority of Sports in Dubai OR the Dubai Sports Council.
- A duplicate of the sponsored passport.
Conditions of use:
Athletes must submit a letter of reference from the General Sports Authority or one of the Sports Councils.
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialised skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency (2790 dirhams)
Identification fees (1070 dirhams)
Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees (575 dirhams)
Creative Culture and Art Specialists Requirements
- A letter of reference from the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority.
- A duplicate of the sponsored passport.
Conditions of use
Creative Specialists in Culture and Art: 1. Submit an approved reference letter from the emirate’s Department of Culture and Arts.
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialised skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency (2790 dirhams)
Identification fees (1070 dirhams)Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees (575 dirhams)
Inventors \sRequirements:
1- Letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Economy
2-A duplicate of the sponsored passport
Conditions of use
- Submission of a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Economy stating that your patent adds value to the country’s economy.
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialized skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency (2790 dirhams)
Identification fees (1070 dirhams)
Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees (575 dirhams)
Executive Director Qualifications:
- A “NOC” letter from the firm stating that the golden residence is acceptable and that the service duration as a general manager – executive director – chairman of the board of directors is not less than 5 years.
- Documented degree (bachelor’s or higher)
- Salary statement (not less then 50,000 DHS Monthly)
- Work contract with the same occupation and remuneration as stated on the wage certificate.
- bank statement (from the previous six months)
Conditions of use
- Submission of a copy of a university degree accredited by the Ministry of Education, with educational attainment of at least a bachelor’s degree.
- Submit a letter of experience of at least five (5) years in the same role.
- Submit a pay certificate with a minimum salary of AED (50) Fifty thousand.
- Submission of a legally binding work contract
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialized skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency (2790 dirhams)
Identification fees
Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees (575 dirhams)
Engineering and science specialists are required.
- Attested degree (bachelor’s degree or above), or a letter of equivalence from the Ministry of Education for the academic degree (in the case of the certificate from outside the country).
- A duplicate of the sponsored residence.
- A job offer in one of the following fields:
Conditions of use
- Submission of a copy of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree approved by the Ministry of Education, as well as a work contract with a profession in one of the following specializations:
(Epidemiology and Virology – AI – Big Data – Computer Engineering – Electronics Engineering – Software Engineering – Electrical Engineering – Genetic Engineering – Biotechnology Engineering.)
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialized skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency (2790 dirhams)
Identification fees
Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees (575 dirhams)
Requirements for Scientists:
- A letter of reference from “Emirates Scientists Council” or “Rashid Award for Scientific Outstanding” stating that he/she has been awarded the Medal of Scientific Outstanding.
- A duplicate of the sponsored passport.
Conditions of use
Scientists: 1. Submit a recommendation letter from the Emirates Scientists Council or a letter from the Mohammed bin Rashid Medal Secretariat confirming that the candidate has been awarded the Medal of Scientific Excellence.
Note: The applicant’s family with a specialized skill is awarded a Golden Visa for the same duration as the applicant.
This service costs AED 2790.
Golden visa for ten years:
Fees for Residency
Identification fees (1070 dirhams)
Residency expenses for a 5-year golden visa (2280 dirhams)
Identification fees
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